Tool translate POS panel for OpenPOS

Tool translate POS panel for OpenPOS


  • Version
  • Updated
    23/04/2024 - 16:37:19.
  • Author
  • License
    For all customers
  • Downloaded 334

How to get "OpenPOS" Purchase code ?

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Tool translate POS panel for OpenPOS

How to translate POS panel to your native language ?

  1. Goto Your_wordpress/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-openpos/pos/assets/i18n folder
  2. Choose your language code .json file (ISO 639-1 Code) , open it  (You can check your language code follow this site : )
  3. Open en.json file, copy and past to your_lang_code.json, edit values with your language word.
  4. Save , logout POS pannel , clear browsers cache and try again.