POS external APP explain
To help developer can extend function for pos. we already provide function to help make a function run under POS. this function we call “external app” .
A sample code of external app you can found at https://wpos.app/addons/woocommerce-openpos-external-app-demo/
What is external app ?
External app is wordpress plugin , it help display a custom information / function under pos panel. Default in OpenPOS plugin, we have external app call “help” .
How to access a external app ?
to access external app, you should active plugin of external app. After that, goto POS panel, Setting and at plugin icon , click on it to access external app list

Or if you use default dashboard screen, you can access from plugin icon at dashboard

After access to external app list, you can choose app you want access and tick to dashboard to display as default menu. In sample, we will ticket the “help” to dashboard

What benefit of external app?
with this feature, you can create unlimited more function for OpenPOS without problem, like as view report / old report , stock , view old order , customer , connect with other service.
We also provide some external app, you can use if you want , they are
WordPress Admin App for OpenPOS
a app help display wordpress admin under pos . base on current staff user role, it auto login with follow this role and auto logout and logout POS too
Woocommerce + openpos + Display Product Info App
this is a tools help quick view product info / description
There are many other feature we can’t cover cause some business have special workflow / feature. That is reason we made external app. we hope openpos is core in step of checkout, Other function in your workflow can make as external app. It make Openpos more suitable with your business and no effect to core flow of POS.