Woocommerce + openpos + Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority

Woocommerce + openpos + Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority


  • Version
  • Updated
    23/04/2024 - 16:37:19.
  • Author
  • License
    For customers with support service non expired.
    Support Service
  • Downloaded 105

How to get "OpenPOS" Purchase code ?

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Woocommerce + openpos + Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority

display qrcode tax to receipt . use this shortcode in receipt template composer

<% if(typeof callback_data != "undefined" && typeof callback_data.zakat_qrcode != "undefined" && callback_data.zakat_qrcode.length > 0) { %> 
     <p style="text-align:center;" class="qrcode-image"><img src="<%= callback_data.zakat_qrcode %>"></p> </center> 
<% } %>
  • install addon
  • goto admin/pos/register/ edit register , enter seller name, tax number
  • goto admin/pos/receipt template / edit your receipt and add shortcode above
  • goto pos . logout and login pos again to take effect.